Supplier Spotlight - Socially Responsible 3D Shadow Boxes - PictureFrame
When researching to find a new supplier for my brand new Personalised Birth Details Footprints products of course all the usual suspects came up in the search engine, but it was this company that caught my eye, and not just for all the beautiful products they have at great prices, but for what they believe in, what's driving them to make a better company that feeds into enabling better relationships to participate in a better world.
Who could scroll past that?!
The folk at Picture Frame have really put some effort into drafting their Social Responsibilities Charter, and I really hope to see more of these as companies and individuals start to wake up to some of the most abhorent behaviours going on around us both near and far.
Picture Frame have broken out their Social Responsibilities Charter into 5 key sections:
- Modern Slavery Disavowel (if you buy a pair of jeans for $10, do you really think that something shonky isn't going on??)
- Domestive Violence Initiative
- Status, Gender & Pay Gaps
- Workplace Giving Programme
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
If you have any framing needs then I encourage you to check out this socially responsible business based in Moorabbin VIC and show some support to an Australian business with a conscience!
Sew-long for now,
Gill T